I'm Ryan O'Connor, an app developer and designer from Long Island, NY. I recently studied Computer Science at the University of Michigan. I've published personal apps on the app store and also worked on projects for the NY MTA, Apple, and Chaminade High School.
Projects & Work Experience📱
Apple - Software Engineer Intern
June 2020 - November 2020
- Proactive Intelligence Team - Siri Shortcuts

Metropolitan Transportation Authority - App Developer
May 2019 - May 2020, December 2020 - Present
- Designed and developed major update to LIRR TrainTime, which had 70K daily active users at peak. Released June 2020.
- Built in React Native, for iOS and Android
- Siri Shortcuts Integration
- Read more here.

Chaminade High School App
Released September 2017
- Developed Chaminade HS iOS app for daily news and events as well as virtual tour and brochure of school. Read more here.
WWDC Scholarship Winner
2017 & 2019
- June 2017 - Built a SpriteKit representation on the four seasons, interactive using the device's gyroscope.
- June 2019 - Built a self-driving car simulation of an intersection with no stop lights.

Just for Fun!
2015 - Present
- Rally - A personal motivation tool - Web App
- Date & Time (iOS) - Simple digital/analog clock today view widget - App Store
- Clock & Timer (tvOS) - world clock app for Apple TV, including custom backgrounds and themes for the big screen. App Store
- Reaction Time Recorder (iOS) - Developed for high school science fair project to measure people's differences in reaction time for various colors. Uses bluetooth to sync timing between two devices. App Store
University of Michigan
September 2019 - April 2023
- Computer Science (BS) & Spanish Minor
- Club Sailing Team Treasurer 2022 - Go Blue!
- V1Michigan Leadership Team

Chaminade High School
Class of 2019
Want to know more about a project that I worked on? Have a suggestion for one of my apps? Just want to say hi? Reach out here!